Dear PhD students,
we cordially invite you to the online information meeting on the 1st competition for co-financing scientific research by doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw (under Measure IV.4.1).
We encourage you to read the competition rules and ask questions at the meeting.
The meeting will be held remotely on the Zoom platform. It will be led by the Coodinator of the Competition dr Przemysław Decewicz.
To participate in the meeting, please register using the form below.
Registration for the training will be open until 14.02 (Monday) until 8PM (or until the limit of places is reached).
The link to the meeting will be sent to all enrolled PhD students on the 15.02 to the e-mail addresses provided in the registration form.
The meeting will not be recorded, but based on the questions and doubts of PhD students, FAQ will be prepared, which will be posted on the competition website.
See you at the meeting!
PhD Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw